Data transfer accounting Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I recently upgraded my Internet connection to a data transfer one . The one in which you pay a monthly fee, and they give you a upper limit above which you should not go and if you go you pay dearly.

Obviously I wanted to account the amount of data transfer now for optimum usage. From my Linksys Wifi router to the Internet which routes Internet for 3 PC on my network. I desperately searched for a software that can account for the data transfer I do, also keep a track. Such that I can keep a upper-limit and do not end up paying extra. In my search I could not find one (If their is one out their then I need to re-learn my goggling skills) . Now I have decided to build one on my own. How will I do that ?

  1. Netmon and Winpcap can monitor data transfer check more here.
  2. I propose to filter / pipe all this data machine wise to a SQLite database. That would solve the purpose.
  3. Give whole application a front end.

Their may be a flaw in the above approach but I will take my chances and keep on posting under label netaccount